FAQ (Account transfer registration method)

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How do I register for an account transfer by mail?

Follow the steps below to register.


①Apply for account transfer to the collection company using the “Account Transfer Request Form” provided by the collection company (the company that handles payments for the service you have applied for). (SBI Sumishin Net Bank does not accept applications, so please contact the collection company.)

② Your account transfer application form arrives at SBI Sumishin Net Bank via the collection company.

③After the procedure is completed at SBI Sumishin Net Bank, you will be contacted through your registered e-mail address.

④You must register the account transfer agreement on the NEOBANK website. You will receive a message titled “Request for Account Transfer Agreement Registration” on the “Important Notice” screen after moving from the “SBI Remit” application to the NEOBANK website.

Please complete the registration process from there (please complete the process within 14 days, otherwise you will be unable to complete the registration procedure).


After completing steps ① through ③, please follow the procedure below to move to the target screen of step ④.


①Log in to the SBI Remit smartphone app and tap the NEOBANK button.



②After going to the SBI Remit NEOBANK top page, tap on “Message Box”



③ After going to the “Important Notice” screen, check the message titled “Request for Account Transfer Agreement Registration”

Follow the guidance in the message to register the account transfer agreement.

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