FAQ (Restrictions on Transactions)
I am unable to make deposits and withdrawals. What do I need to do make deposits and withdrawals again?
Check if any of the following situations apply to you.
SBI REMIT NEOBANK may restrict the use of your account under any of the following conditions.
① When the number of times or amount of money deposited by wire transfer or ATM exceeds the prescribed limit
②When salary transfers cannot be confirmed for a certain period of time
③In case of non-renewal of the the date of expiry of your residency
①When the number of times or amount of money deposited by wire transfer or ATM exceeds the prescribed limit:
SBI REMIT NEOBANK sets a limit on the number of times and the amount of money you can use your account for transfer deposits and ATM deposits.
Specifically, they are as follows:
・Maximum deposit by bank transfer: Up to 5 deposits or up to 500,000 yen in total during a month (from the 15th of the previous month to the 14th of the current month)
・ATM deposit limit: Up to 500,000 yen in total during a month (from the 15th of the previous month to the 14th of the current month)
If these limits are exceeded, transactions on the account will be restricted.
After the transaction is restricted, SBI Remit will contact you for a hearing regarding your account usage.
If the results of the hearing confirm that there are no problems, the transaction restrictions will be lifted.
②When salary transfers cannot be confirmed for a certain period of time:
The SBI REMIT NEOBANK account is provided mainly to foreign technical intern trainees for the purpose of receiving their salaries.
Therefore, SBI REMIT NEOBANK may restrict the use of your account if salary transfers cannot be confirmed.
SBI Remit will contact you to confirm the status of your transaction if we are unable to confirm the transfer of your salary to your account.
At that time, if we can confirm a legitimate reason for not having a salary transfer (e.g., your employer is bankrupt or you are on leave due to illness, etc.), we will not specifically limit the use of your account.
On the other hand, if your response is insufficient to explain why there is no salary transfer, or if you fail to respond within a certain period of time, we will restrict the use of your account.
③Failure to update the the date of expiry of your residency
Transaction restrictions may be imposed if you do not update the date of expiry of your residency. To remove transaction restrictions, you will need to update the date of expiry of your residency with your renewed residence card.
For details on the procedure for lifting trading restrictions for the above reasons, please contact the SBI Remit Call Center. To contact SBI Remit, click here.