FAQ (User name and various passwords)

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What are SBI Remit NEOBANK user names and various passwords used for?

▪ Web Login Password

Required for the following procedures.

①Reset WEB transaction password

②Login for the online account transfer procedure


You have to set the WEB login password yourself during initial setup.

To change or reset the password, go to the NEOBANK website from the “SBI Remit” smartphone app and do the procedure on the “Customer Information Inquiry/Change” screen under “Customer Information”.

You cannot log in directly from the SBI Sumishin Net Bank website using the Web login password.


▪ WEB transaction password

It is required for the various transactions.

You have to set the WEB transaction password yourself during initial setup.

To change or reset the password, go to the NEOBANK website from the “SBI Remit” smartphone app and do the procedure on the “Customer Information Inquiry/Change” screen under “Customer Information”.


▪ User name

It is required to log in at the time of the online account transfer procedure.

Your user name is given on the base paper sent with your ID number card. Or, you can go to the NEOBANK website from the “SBI Remit” smartphone app and check your user name on the “Customer Information Inquiry/Change” screen under “Customer Information”.

You cannot log in directly from the SBI Sumishin Net Bank website using the user name.

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