Use of your account after returning to your country

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Use of your account after returning to your country

  • Q1 Will it be canceled even if I return home temporarily?

    A1 Even in the case of a temporary return, your bank account will be automatically closed.

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  • Q2 What happens to the balance remaining in my account when I return to my country?

    A2 The balance in your bank account can be received upon your return through the International money transfer ser…

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  • Q3 Do I need to cancel my account after returning to my country?

    A3 Customers do not need to do this on their own. When you return to your country, SBI Remit will be notified by …

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  • Q4 Can I continue to use my account after I return to my country?

    A4 You cannot use your account after returning to your country. Your account will be canceled automatically.

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